Køkken Manager – Aarhus
!English below!
Vi søger en Køkken Manager til Pincho Nation Aarhus!
Hos Pincho Nation er den gode oplevelse ALTID i højsædet! Gæsterne er vilde med de mange forskellige små tapasretter og de farverige cocktails. Et besøg hos os er en sanselig oplevelse, hvor der er gjort ekstra meget ud af indretningen og hvor atmosfæren er feststemt og uformel.
Restauranten er placeret på Skt. Knuds Torv 9, i Aarhus.
Vi leder efter dig, der har ledererfaring, kan udvikle og motivere hele holdet i køkkenet samt levere vores menu med kvalitet og højt humør. Drømmer du om at blive en del af en kulturdrevet organisation, hvor der er højt til loftet og med en klar strategi og plan om hvordan vi i fællesskab får succes, så er det dig vi leder efter! Der er ligeledes muligheder for at blive køkkenchef for den rette kandidat
Send din ansøgning til os på: info@aarhus.pinchonation.dk
Som Køkken Manager hos Pincho Nation Aarhus er du overordnet ansvarlig for den daglige drift af køkkenet, indkøb og personale. Du bruger størstedelen af din tid sammen med dit køkkenteam, og du er ansvarlig for udvikling og træning af alle på holdet i samarbejde med restaurantchefen. Hos Pincho Nation er synlig ledelse er en kerneværdi i vores ledelsesadfærd.
Restauranten serverer små tapasretter fra alle verdens køkkener. Vi er en konceptrestaurant, så menuen vil være rimelig fast. Din rolle er i høj grad at kvalitetssikre og drive dit team på en god og motiverende måde.
Ud over at køre service med dit team, vil din hverdag blandt andet bestå af vagtplanlægning, varebestilling, træning og opfølgning, hygiejne og egenkontrol.
Din profil
Som person går du forrest, og er det gode forbillede, når det kommer til et velorganiseret køkken, den gode tone og adfærd. Det er vigtigt for os at have en arbejdsplads, der er et sikkert og godt sted at være for alle ansatte. Derfor har du et fokus på den individuelle medarbejder og deres trivsel. Du leder dit team med en interesse i at udvikle dig selv og dit team. Du har derfor et holistisk menneskesyn. Dine kollegaer oplever dig som et empatisk menneske, der vil dem det bedste.
Du skal trives med, at du skal træffe hurtige beslutninger og kan håndtere travlhed i køkkenet og kan motivere de øvrige medarbejdere. Du formår at tage aktive tiltag for at fremme motivation og støtte dit team. Du sørger altid for at dagens opgaver bliver løst på bedste vis, ofte i samarbejde med restaurantchefen.
Hvad tilbyder vi?
Pincho Nation er en konceptrestaurant, der driver fem succesfulde restauranter i hhv. København, Aalborg, Aarhus og Randers. Vi passer og plejer vores talenter, og i samarbejde med dig vil der være mulighed for at skabe en karriere hos Pincho Nation. Vi har et holistisk menneskesyn med udgangspunkt i den enkelte. Målet er at skabe de bedste forudsætninger for succes blandt vores Pincho-stjerner. Du vil have et stærkt hold bag dig, og du vil få støtte i det daglige med planlægning, udvikling og drift.
Om Pincho Nation
Pincho Nation er en svensk restaurantkæde med over 80 restauranter i de nordiske lande. Selskabet blev grundlagt i 2012 og er vokset hurtigt gennem franchising. Det er nu en af de førende restaurantkæder i Sverige. Pincho Nation inviterer gæsterne indenfor til en sanselig oplevelse, hvor der er gjort ekstra ud af indretningen, og hvor atmosfæren er feststemt og uformel. Her bydes der på kulørte cocktails med eller uden alkohol og tapasretter fra et menukort, der er et gastronomisk udvalg fra hele verden. Pincho Nation var det første app-baseret restaurantkoncept. Gæsterne laver deres reservation, bestilling samt betaling ved brug af vores app (Pincho Nation) på mobiltelefonen.
Lyder dette som noget for dig? Så tøv ikke med at sende din ansøgning afsted nu til info@aarhus.pinchonation.dk !
We are looking for a Kitchen Manager at Pincho Nation Aarhus!
At Pincho Nation, the good experience is ALWAYS in focus! Guests love the variety of small tapas dishes and colorful cocktails. A visit to Pincho Nation is a sensory experience, where the decor has been given extra attention and the atmosphere is festive and informal.
The restaurant is located at Skt. Knuds Torv 9, in Aarhus.
We are looking for someone who has management experience, can develop and motivate your team in the kitchen and deliver our menu with quality and high spirits. If you dream of being part of a culture-driven organization with high ceilings and a clear strategy and plan on how to succeed together, then we are looking for you! There are also opportunities to become Kitchen Manager for the right candidate
Apply now at: info@aarhus.pinchonation.dk
The job
As Kitchen Manager at Pincho Nation Aarhus, you are responsible for the day-to-day running of the kitchen, purchasing and staff. You will spend most of your time with your kitchen team, and you are responsible for the development and training of everyone on the team in collaboration with the restaurant manager. At Pincho Nation we consider visible leadership to be a core value in our management behavior.
The restaurant serves small tapas dishes from cuisines from all over the world. We are a concept restaurant, so the menu will be set. An essential part of your role is to ensure the quality of our products and lead your team in a good and motivating way.
In addition to running service with your team, your daily life will consist of, among other things, scheduling, ordering goods, training and follow-up, hygiene and self-control.
Your profile
As a person, you take the lead and are a good role model when it comes to a well-organized kitchen and a good tone and behavior. It is important to us to have a workplace that is a safe and good place to be for all employees. Therefore, you have a focus on the individual employee and their well-being. You lead your team with an interest in developing yourself and your team. You therefore have a holistic view of people. Your colleagues experience you as an empathetic person who wants the best for them.
You must be comfortable with the fact that you have to make quick decisions and can handle busyness in the kitchen and can motivate the other employees. You manage to take active measures to promote motivation and support your team. You always make sure that the day’s tasks are solved in the best way, often in collaboration with the restaurant manager.
What do we offer?
Pincho Nation is a concept restaurant that operates five successful restaurants in Copenhagen, Aalborg, Aarhus and Randers. We care and grow our talents, and in collaboration with you there will be an opportunity to build a career at Pincho Nation. We have a holistic human view and focus on individuality. The goal is to create the best conditions for success among our Pincho stars. You will have a strong team behind you and you will receive support in the day-to-day planning, development and operation.
About Pincho Nation
Pincho Nation is a Swedish restaurant chain with over 80 restaurants in the Nordic countries. The company was founded in 2012 and has grown rapidly through franchising. It is now one of the leading restaurant chains in Sweden. Pincho Nation invites guests inside to a sensual experience, where the interior is made extra and where the atmosphere is festive and informal. It offers colorful cocktails with or without alcohol and tapas dishes from a menu that is a gastronomic selection from all over the world. Pincho Nation was the first app-based restaurant concept. Guests make their reservation, booking and payment using our app (Pincho Nation) on their mobile phone.
Does this sound like the job for you? Don’t hesitate, send your application now to info@aarhus.pinchonation.dk !
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